Currently active Masternodes: 193 (965,000 TRC) valued at $10,364.50 USD (0.16 BTC)
Based on the current market value of $0.01074041 each (0.00000017 BTC)
1PfT4eqbrSX3kKPftQQMtVPerUF9u7fmJmNOT FOUND6,845.02 TRC
1GQp5afquP641Pe9NXk9SqRTnJSamVgYfnNOT FOUND6,926.01 TRC
1KwGCBtZKTKif4wEAZaF9kbj4GX7mrzWhNNOT FOUND6,791.01 TRC
1CS8MXYtWqBZcGxH3qbbSuaDgvzLjy4cHMNOT FOUND6,917.01 TRC
1KwKeQ5bbVYW1yQYnAu8Qxh5DJdMDogq4vNOT FOUND6,903.73 TRC
1GYGkVrxxJ4DAtFCCiEpZmYMms3Wrc44J6NOT FOUND6,930.53 TRC
1HXsbXreNFAT2AXStdD2776tJxBxDwYPttNOT FOUND6,935.01 TRC
Your total value is 48,248.33 TRC which is valued at $518.21 USD (0.00820222 BTC)
You should recieve a masternode payment every 55.14 minutes (0.92 hours) on average
You should recieve approximately 117.51295337 TRC per day
You should recieve approximately 3,525.38860104 TRC per month
You should recieve approximately 42,892.22797927 TRC per year
That is approximately $1.26 (0.00001998 BTC) per day
That is approximately $37.86 (0.00059932 BTC) per month
That is approximately $460.68 (0.00729168 BTC) per year

More statistical information can be found here.