Currently on block 2904417 and the next superblock is at 2916000
This equates to 11583 blocks left until the superblock. Which pays out 21,600 TRC.
Which will take about 386 hours (Approximate date is 2025-02-27 05:02:23 and currently the date is 2025-02-11 03:02:23)
There are 1415 total Masternodes and 222 enabled Masternodes.
Due to total masternode count, 7,075,000 TRC are allocated.
The last time I checked, the price per Terracoin is 0.00000015 BTC which is roughly $0.01 USD
That means that currently the price per masternode is 0.00075000 BTC which is roughly $71.37 USD
There is 1.06125000 BTC or $100,995.27 USD invested into masternodes
There are approximately 720 rewards per day. For a masternode, this would mean a payment every 0.31 days.
That is about 14.59459459 TRC per day
Based on that, it would take 342.6 days to ROI (to receive 5000 TRC from masternode rewards)
If you purchased today and masternode count stayed the same, your ROI would occur on 2026-01-19 03:02:23
The volume for the last day has been $47.49 USD with a value change of -9.37588% in the last day.
There are currently 1 watchdogs and 1 valid watchdogs
The network has 532,182.56 THs processing power.
I know this information because I have 124 connections to the network and mnsync says I am fully synced.

If you place a ?count=mncount at the end of the URL (i.e. ?count=5 ) I can calculate some masternode statistics based on your masternode count as well.