Currently active Masternodes: 192 (960,000 TRC) valued at $12,777.27 USD (0.20 BTC)
Based on the current market value of $0.01330966 each (0.00000021 BTC)
1JXpentvChp3rh9cpzV8teBFUwe5ie1nm4NOT FOUND0.00 TRC
Your total value is 0.00 TRC which is valued at $0.00 USD (0.00000000 BTC)
You should recieve a masternode payment every 384.00 minutes (6.40 hours) on average
You should recieve approximately 16.87500000 TRC per day
You should recieve approximately 506.25000000 TRC per month
You should recieve approximately 6,159.37500000 TRC per year
That is approximately $0.22 (0.00000354 BTC) per day
That is approximately $6.74 (0.00010631 BTC) per month
That is approximately $81.98 (0.00129347 BTC) per year

More statistical information can be found here.